Baratza Sette 270 Espresso Grinder


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SKU: SI1044


What is it?

The Baratza Sette 270 is a dedicated home espresso grinder with 40mm conical steel burrs. This burr grinder uses a digital timed dosing system and a combination stepped and stepless grind adjustment system.

Who is it for?

For the home barista who wants a grinder designed for a home barista. Something that fits your space and your budget without sacrificing where it counts: quality, ease of use, and reliability. You want the ability to get repeatable shots from your favorite blend and then mix it up by single-dosing a few different single-origin coffees in a row, all with minimal waste and delicious shots of espresso.

Why do we carry it?

The Sette 270 is a decent and affordable single-dosing espresso grinder. It’s also very easy to clean. It’s designed for home baristas first, not adapted from a commercial design, which is why it has so many features we treasure. It works perfectly well with a full hopper, providing consistent doses using its timed dose system, but it truly shines when used for single dosing. Over a one-month period, we used the Baratza Sette 270 to single-dose with 11 different coffees and got perfect shots with only occasional micro-adjustments. Whatever your home espresso needs may be, the Sette 270 burr grinder will help you pull consistent and brilliant espresso shots that are as good in a cappuccino as they are straight.